5 Ways To Teach More Creatively In The Classroom

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Camose Masse, a black woman with medium length straight hair and wearing a pink net shirt
Camose Masse
A female teacher wearing a blue hijab sits on the floor with her students working on a craft lesson

5 Ways To Teach More Creatively In The Classroom

As teacher one of the most frustrating things is getting students that just aren't interested or engaging in the class.  They look so bored out of their minds that one would think their brain-dead zombies. If students are not paying attention and are not focused on the learning materials it will be problematic for them to pass your class. To reach some of those students you really have to be creative in the way you teach them. Make your learning content interesting and engaging, and then your students will start gravitating towards it. Here are 5 ways to teach creatively in the classroom!

1. Introduce Them To Different Games

No matter how old you get one thing that won't change is the enjoyment of a good game that you love to play. Turn your subject matter into a game and watch as students start interacting and engaging more with what you're teaching them.  They will get so into it that they won't even notice that they're learning the subject matter. If you're trying to get them to remember dates and locations then you should try some memory games. IIf you need them to know vocabulary words then try crosswords and word puzzles. And if trying to get them to be more active in your math class then try splitting them into groups to see who can solve problems correctly and faster. Then you add an incentive for the winners like extra points on their next test. After that sit back and watch them go competitive over math! Basically, make it fun and they will be more engaged in what you're teaching them.

2. Use Technology To Teach Creatively In the Classroom

With this new generation, they're all about technology. These days its hard not to find a student that's not glued to their phones, computers, or other devices. So if that's the case why not use that to your advantage? How about replacing quizzes on paper with a computer or have students video conference other students from other classes in bigger group projects. You can even go above that and have your students interact with other students outside the country.  Incorporate technology more in your classroom and your students will naturally start getting interested and engaging more on what they are learning. The more you make your class interactive with technology, the more your students will enjoy the learning process.

3. Teaching Interactively

Unfortunately, its those long-winded passionate lectures of yours that are sometimes the source of why students are losing interest in your class. You can use different forms of presentations and demonstrations to capture their interests. You can also give your students different tasks that will get them moving and get more hands-on experience. Try to come up with projects that require your students to work as a team to build or construct their assignments. Classroom collaboration can generate creative thinking and can spark new ideas. Putting students in groups for assignments enables them to experience different perspectives and point of views while working towards a common goal. A teachers' goal here is to get the students to be more involved in what your trying to teach them. Making your lessons interactive one of the best ways to get them interested and get them from not to fall asleep during your class.

4. Motivate And Inspire Your Students

In my opinion, one of the best ways to get your students interested in learning is to motivate and inspire them with things that they are already passionate about. First get to know your students and take note of what their interests are. After finding that out then you can craft your teaching tactics around it to accommodate their interests. Think about it, the more you can get a student to enjoy what they're learning the more invested they will be in there education.

5. Using Creative Art Forms

Creative arts give students the opportunity to express themselves in different ways.  Whether it's fine arts, visual arts, performing arts, or musical art forms can be implemented in a classroom. Teachers can have students create design poster boards for class discussions, develop poetry contest for literature assignments, and create in class role-plays for historical events. Introducing the arts into the classroom can breathe new life into subjects that students find boring and uninteresting. There is no limit to the concepts that you can develop with using creative arts in the classroom. Here is a FREE fun lesson plan project that you can give to your students!

It's our job as teachers not just educate our students but to help them develop the necessary skill sets and critical thinking aspects they need in this on growing society. Teaching creatively will help students engage more in class and develop new skills that will benefit them in the long term. Let's not limit our students but yet elevate them to a higher echelon of success! I hope you found these 5 ways to teach more creatively useful! Let me know what you think below and tell me what are some things you do in your classroom!