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Camose Masse, a black woman with medium length straight hair and wearing a pink net shirt
Camose Masse
A glass of drinking water held out toward the viewer with the background blurred

A five-step plan for hydration!

A few years ago after I came back from vacationing in Europe, I was on a mission to lose the few extra pounds that I had gained over the last few years. I got a gym membership which included an evaluation session of weight, body mass index, and a weight loss plan. The hydration requirement though it looked simple may be the easiest one to overlook. Therefore I became intentional about it and took action. I decided to create a five-step plan that will allow me to be successful at hydrating. The five steps include; decision-making, preparation, variety and taste buds preferences, convenience, and habit.

1. Decision-making

Using the knowledge supplied by the professional trainer, I was aware that I needed to divide my body weight in half to get a suitable quantity of water intake daily. Based on my history of water intake and my personality, I gave myself a range. For me, it was about 60-72 ounces daily. This was a realistic number for me because the required number was 70 ounces. I like choices and room to breathe. I don't like to be boxed in. I understood that it had to be my choice. So, give yourself choices and decide for yourself.

2. Preparation

The second step is preparation to succeed by taking some specific actions. Diet plans recommend the preparation of meals in advance. Well, it applies here too. I prepare my water for the next day the night before. I decided beforehand what type of water would soothe my taste buds, whether filtered water was good enough, and whether I needed to enhance the taste. The decisions put me in a powerful place. I filled an 80 oz jar every night and left it on the counter so that the next morning it would be ready. So, prepare your water in advance!

3. Plan for YOUR preferences!

The next step is setting variety and taste bud preferences. I have to put my stamp on it and I have to enjoy what I am drinking. I know that I prefer room-temperature water. So after I filled the jar with the refrigerator-filtered water, I added peppermint leaves, cucumbers, lime/lemon wedges or a combination to make it palatable to me. So, cater to your preferences!

4. Make it convenient

The fourth step is convenience. The water container is filled on the kitchen counter and ready for consumption in the morning. I have my first glass and the goal is to finish the container by the end of the day. It's also very convenient for me to fill my water bottle to go with me to work, gym etc. I also found that if I am drinking the water that I prepared, I don't have room for any other beverage. So, make it convenient so that the excuses can vanish.

5. Build the habit

The fifth step is habit. They say that it takes thirty days of doing something consistently to form a habit. It may take more than that sometimes. One has to engage in the activity until it has been integrated mindlessly and seamlessly into one's life. Until that happens, it is called discipline. Stay with it until it becomes a habit. I don't have to “will” myself to drink water anymore because it is a habit and a pleasant one. I find myself ordering water most of the time at the restaurant. So, transform your discipline into an automatic habit with time and consistency.

It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy when a plan of action has been enacted and activated for hydration. The plan must be realistic, convenient, pleasant, and suitable to your personality. Therefore you cannot help but realize the goal that you have intentionally set. Happy drinking!